Thursday 27 December 2012

Sometimes Good Sometimes Bad

I don’t know that why these Guangzhou people just don’t understand what we are trying to say, they want our assistance they want our help they want our association but in the end they will never share the blame all the blame is off someone else, it’s like they are a teen age girl who is in a relationship and is never wrong, not offending anyone or hearting any one feelings, but they are really wired, they want everything to be perfect and do not accept the reality I don’t know I am doing here, I am facilitating this Automotive brake pad manufacturer and he just do not understand, I want to quotations as soon as possible to get an order and communicate with the buyer to further action but there is no response from anyhow, any ways beside this is one good automotive brake pads manufacturer and brake pad suppliers to who takes part in every activity and own my work, and comply accordingly, he is always interactive and give me all the details I require just in the right time, this gives me a lot of confidence is myself and my member company to grow and work for each other mutual interest.


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